
An Experiment

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I often find myself looking back and retracing my steps to remember exactly how I got to where I am. It’s something I do when researching my family genealogy and what I am doing now as I write this first blog entry. For me, the journey into the blogosphere started with a special report in the July 2007 Family Tree Magazine about shrinking membership in genealogical societies by Diane Haddad. Diane quoted Jasia, a “marketing expert who blogged at CreativeGene about societies after hers shrunk by half in three years.” Off I went to learn from the master and to read her series of 17 posts: “Declining Membership in Genealogical Societies.” Then I attended the 2007 FGS Annual Conference Meeting at the Crossroads of America in Fort Wayne, Indiana with a group from CGS. The keynote address was Societies Going Virtual by David E. Rencher and his conclusion was “Go Virtual or Perish!” I figured it was time to give this a try.

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