We would love to hear your ideas. Whether you are a member or not, please fill in the form below to leave a suggestion. Our major areas of interest are described below, although you can also leave a suggestion on a topic that interests you . We look forward to hearing from you.

Types of Suggestions

Suggestions – Speakers

Speakers & Programs

Have you heard a great genealogical talk somewhere else and think that CGS should invite that person to speak at our library? Please let us know.

Suggestions – Field Trips

Field Trips

Is there some place you’d like the society to plan a fieldtrip to? These are typically one-day events. In the past we’ve visited the State Archives in Sacramento, the San Francisco Library, Sutro Library, Bancroft Library. Where would you like to go or go again?

Suggestions – Research Trips

Research Trips

Typically, CGS plans one or more research trips to genealogical libraries in other states. We regularly visit the Salt Lake City Library, the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne Indiana, and The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS). In 2016, we went to Washington DC. Are there other places you’d like CGS to visit? Do you have a suggestion of who might lead such a trip?

Suggestions – Our Library

Our Library

When you visit our library have you noticed something that is missing? What would you like to find at our library that would improve your visit?

Suggestions – Books


Are you aware of a book or other materials that you feel would be a good addition to our library? If so, please make a suggestion.

Suggestions – Problems


While we would like to think that everything is perfect at our library, we know that sometimes conflicts arise that need to be addressed. If you are concerned about a personal problem please contact: VicePresident@californiaancestors.org
For all other problems please contact: President@californiaancestors.org

  • Personal Information

    Required fields are denoted with an "*".